Friday 10 July 2015

एका योग्याची डायरी - Faith & Reality

December 16, 2001

Faith & Reality are two base on which our life exists.

We think.

We do things based on what we think.

For every thought, we assume some reality as a base.

The reality is not our experience. It is something that is passed to us through someone else. We never check, whether the thought passed to us is true or false. We have faith on the person who passes it to us and we accept it. We call someone “Mother”, because the lady and others inform us about it. We never check whether it is true or false. This is “FAITH”. It may or may not be truth.

We think on what we know.

We think that what we know is truth.

We think that what we know as a truth does exist.

We think that our thoughts are based on the truth.

We repeat the thoughts again and again.

We do things based on our thoughts and we experience that the results of our KARMA are as per what we were informed.

Further we experience that our thoughts and experiences are as much as same to others. We think that all of us are right. Our faith increases that, the reality experienced by us does exist and it is the truth & only truth.

Truth has always a proof. The truth, which is assumed, is not the truth and is a reality. In my world, so & so lady is my mother. For me, this is reality. My thoughts about her are based on this reality. Similarly the other relationships are developed in my life, which are reality but accepted by me as truth.

The entire world is based on this kind of reality, which never exists.

Resulting, all our assumptions are wrong. Our thoughts are developed on this reality which never exists.  The thoughts are developed on wrong base. Again resulting, all thoughts are my imaginations and not the truth. We are living in the darkness of this reality.


Someday someone enters in our life and who has a light in his hand. A clear path is visible in this light. We experience newly that that the reality is not 100% truth or not even 50% truth. We are shocked. Till the person having light in his hand is with us, we travel on right path. Our life becomes smooth.

A day arrives, light gets off. We are again in the darkness of the old reality. Now the person holding light in his hand is also lost in so-called reality as there is no more light in his hand.

When we were walking through the light, we had experienced many good things. Now we wish those things back in our life. So we start looking for a person having light in his hand. We wait for him to arrive in our life and show us path.

Most of us go to a person about whom this reality world informs us that he has light in his hand. Sometimes the person is right sometimes wrong.

Again now all above things are based on the so-called “Reality” or on the experience about the existing world, which we think or rather we assume as a truth.

The normal/ regular light existing in this world is different that of the one we experienced with that person. Both lights are part of this existing world. One is true light other is reality.

Once we experience the true light, we are suppose to search this true light.

All of us are running through the real world. But after experiencing the true light, most of us are losing the path again and again. The only way to survive is to become a true light ourselves.

Everyone has got light inside us. But all are searching the light outside.

I have seen the light. I had been a part of that light and now back to make others like me. My powers were limited comparing to those of yours. But still i reached there first, just because I studied and am studying all of you.

For this, first, you have to realise the difference in the so-called real world and the true world. 

You should know the difference in the light of this world and the true light. The knowledge is not sufficient. You have to experience this. You have to increase the range of experience and then only it will be a start of becoming light yourself.

I wish that all of you become lights and others walk in correct path through that light.

With Lots of LOVE

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